JB Architecture based in Chichester approached us to discuss their client’s outdoor living requirements. This was for a 2 metre wide balcony running the full 23 metre length of the property on both sides, with a staircase to the lower deck. This was to include a large decking area with an integrated hot tub built over existing natural ground, tiles, and concrete.
The following week, we arranged to meet with the architects to discuss the project requirements further and to view their drawings and designs. From this, we were able to propose our Complete Outdoor Living Solution comprising of an integrated QwickBuild deck frame, ResortDeck composite decking, and a Mini-Post frameless glass balustrade system. Given the versatility and durability of all our products both in the short and long term, the architects agreed this was to be the perfect solution for the demands of the project, especially due to its coastal location. QwickBuild is manufactured from marine grade anodised structural aluminium and offers 100 per cent moisture resistance and dimensional stability. Furthermore, the Mini-Posts used for frameless glass balustrade are manufactured from marine grade 2205 duplex stainless steel offering the most superior corrosion resistance amongst alternatives.
Our design team flew over to Alderney two weeks later to carry out a full site survey. As per the architects briefing, the job had some complex build requirements, however we were pleased to confirm our systems could make these relatively straight forward.
The QwickBuild deck frame offered the perfect solution for building the lower deck over uneven natural ground and existing pavers. This was through the use of adjustable height deck jacks which can range from just 3mm to 600mm. Therefore, no resurfacing was required prior to installation speeding up the process. Another factor which enabled faster installation than traditional methods was the QwickBuild substructure for the balcony could be prefabricated into made-to-measure frames at our UK based workshop prior to delivery.
Although the membrane did not need disrupting to install the QwickBuild frame, one challenge we faced was to ensure there would be no lateral movement once the balcony was complete. Therefore, threaded bar and resin were used to put anchor points into the property wall which we then anchored the frame back to.
The logistics for transporting over 6,000kg of materials to Alderney and getting our installation team to the tiny island of just 7 miles by 3 miles, proved to be one of the biggest challenges we faced. Three ferry cancellations and a flight cancellation due to weather conditions resulted in some delays occurring. However, thanks to the hard work and commitment of our installers, the impact of this on the project was kept to a minimum and overall completion took five weeks. Special mention to our Nathan who genuinely took one for the team in facing his fear of flying on several occasions!
During this project, we have demonstrated the versatility of our integrated systems in creating a spectacular outdoor living area that can be enjoyed whilst looking its best for many years to come. Our complete solution is setting new standards in the construction industry and we are looking forward to turning more ideas into design and reality.